Honduras 2011 |
I was 18 years old when the Lord called me to missions. I was 35 when I went on my first mission trip overseas. I wish that I could say that ever since I accepted Jesus as my Savior at 14 that I have wholeheartedly followed him, but I can't. I ,like so many others, strayed away for a time. Have I wanted to go back and change it? Definitely, but I can't and it will forever be part of my testimony.
Philippians 3:13b-14 says, Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Honduras 2011 |
God wasn't caught by surprise by my disobedience-he knew that I would wander in the wilderness for a time, but he also knew that I would come back to him and desire him like never before. He encourages me to strain toward the goal, to win the prize and one day I will see Jesus face to face! What a wonderful day that will be when my faith becomes sight, but until that day God didn't take that calling off of me, but he has had some work to do in me.
A house for a family in Honduras |
I keep reminding myself that there are 40 years that we don't hear from Moses after he murdered a man. Just maybe he had a lot of dying to self to do. I know I have! That's what the Lord has been doing in me for the last year is killing all the yucky slime that has built up in me for 36 years! Can anyone identify? He is still making me into what piece of pottery he wants me to be so that he can use me for his glory and not my own. Not to mention forming my entire family into what he would have us be.
This season-he is the Potter and I am the clay and sometimes I'm not so moldable, but I want to be. So, after the Master breaks me some more and waters me down where I am pliable in his hands, he forms this piece of clay a little more into what he would have me be. I so want to see what he's forming, but for right now I have to focus on being pliable which is no easy task for me!
The Children followed us everywhere we went |
I felt like someone needed to hear that this morning. No matter how far you have been-it's not too far! The Lord loves you and he desires to use you- just as much as when he first called you-but it takes you willing to be obedient in whatever he ask of you. I know how hard that is, but I am telling you that there is no greater joy when you are right in the middle of his will for your life! Don't let the enemy keep feeding you a lie that God won't use you anymore. Choose to believe the truth! Choose to trust Jesus!
Honduras 2011 |
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