Thursday, September 22, 2011


This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth.  But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.  1 John 1:5-7

I want to walk in the Light!  Do You?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

So what do you

need Prayer For?

We all need prayer. Sometimes maybe we don’t want to
 humble ourselves to ask for it.  It could be we feel
there are other people that need it worse than what we
 do.  Then, there are times when we just don’t know how
 to tell people to pray.  I want you to know that I
want to pray with you and I have some prayer warriors
 that will pray with me.
Precious Honduran Children 2011

Just in case you need someone to start off with a
 prayer request-I will.

I’m asking that you pray for me to be completely
 content where I am and not want to hurry God along-I

 serve him but- I so much want to be on a mission field, so
 I ask that you pray that I can be content with this
 season in my life!  Okay I want to pray for you now!
 Leave your prayer in comments. Thanks.

~_-Be encouraged Dear Friends_-

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Where Are You Going?

Abraham was 75 years old when the Lord called him.

Disclaimer: This is not Abraham-This is a picture of my husbands' relative

 “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.”-Genesis 12:1

He didn’t tell him where he was going. No forwarding address! Go was the command.  Then he gave a promise.

Honduras 2011
” I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great and you will be a blessing.  I will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” Genesis 12::2-3
Honduras 2011

Do you know what Abraham did? It says in verse 4 that he left! He didn’t deliberate. He didn’t question if he heard him right or ask why me.  He immediately obeyed!

What is it that God has called you to do and why haven’t you done it yet?  It’s not too late!  Be obedient to his call. If it’s to Be still or if it’s to sell everything and follow him just be obedient because I guarantee there is a blessing waiting for you when you are!

`-May the Lord Bless you Greatly today_-

Monday, September 19, 2011

Are you Still in the Race?

And now, dear children, continue in him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming.1John 2:28

Honduras 2011

Do you ever feel like giving up? Giving in?  Do you feel like this living for Jesus is really hard and you’ve wondered if it is worth it?

I have felt this way.  I’m not proud of it and I don’t go boasting about it, but there have been times during the years I’ve been living for him that situations have been tough! I have pulled the covers over my head and tried to block out the world!  I know I’m not the only one to do that!  You know why I know it, because I’ve talked to enough women and I know some that have done the same thing!

Honduras 2011

You know what keeps me getting out of that bed? I want to please Jesus! Yep……’s that simple. I want to be able to stand before the King of Kings and not be ashamed of how I lived for him!

Coffee rows in Honduras 2011

 You see my friend- he is coming back and we will have to give an account of what we did and didn’t do for him.  Have I stumbled? YES! But I get up and keep going; in Phillipians- Paul inspired by the Holy Spirit describes it as a race to keep running. The race is long and we run out of breath and sometimes we have to get up after we fall.  We keep going, knowing one day we will see our Savior face to face and that we can stand before him Confident in who we have been in him and Unashamed! Until that day let us encourage one another! Don’t give up! Don’t give in!  There are others who are going through this life and you are not alone!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Promise of God

God is present in the


 of the righteous

The Lords’ Day

Sing to the Lord a New Song!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Laying Out the Fleece

Two of my boys being silly

Just a warning my pictures have nothing to do with my post......Just thought you might like to see my boys! Aren't they good looking!:) Okay now to the post....

I'm sitting here at my computer at 11:43 p.m-actually it is more like an hour later because I have been trying to decide on pictures. 

Anyways, I was talking to the Lord and wondering if I should really be doing this blogging thing!  So, I laid a fleece out.  I know not real original, but that's all I have at the moment!

Have you ever laid a fleece out?

Well, I did.... totally unrelated, but doesn't he look so cute...... Now where was I.......Oh yea, I laid my fleece out.

I said to the Lord " Lord if you want me to do this blog and the website I'm working on-someone will have looked at  my site- there will be some views on my page.  If you don't want me to, then no one will have looked at it. 

I looked -fully expecting there to be no page views(talk about lack of faith)- there were more than I have have ever had.

I know the Lord wants me to do this. It may be just to encourage one person.  One person is worth it all! Jesus would have died for just one of us! Goodness knows I sure didn't deserve it! May the Lord Bless You and Keep You -Good Night Dear Friends!


Friday, September 16, 2011

Quote of the Week

Lottie Moon-Missionary to China

How many there are … who imagine that because Jesus paid it all, they need pay nothing, forgetting that the prime object of their salvation was that they should follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ in bringing back a lost world to God.” Lottie Moon,Tungchow, China,Sept. 15, 1887

Looking Ahead

Honduras 2011

I was 18 years old when the Lord called me to missions.  I was 35 when I went on my first mission trip overseas.  I wish that I could say that ever since I accepted Jesus as my Savior at 14 that I have wholeheartedly followed him, but I can't. I ,like so many others, strayed away for a time. Have I wanted to go back and change it? Definitely, but I can't and it will forever be part of my testimony. 

 Philippians 3:13b-14 says, Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

Honduras 2011

God wasn't caught by surprise by my disobedience-he knew that I would wander in the wilderness for a time, but he also knew that I would come back to him and desire him like never before.  He encourages me to strain toward the goal, to win the prize and one day I will see Jesus face to face! What a wonderful day that will be when my faith becomes sight, but until that day God didn't take that calling off of me, but he has had some work to do in me.

A house for a family in Honduras

I keep reminding myself that there are 40 years that we don't hear from Moses after he murdered a man.  Just maybe he had a lot of dying to self to do. I know I have! That's what the Lord has been doing in me for the last year is killing all the yucky slime that has built up in me for 36 years! Can anyone identify? He is still making me into what piece of pottery he wants me to be so that he can use me for his glory and not my own. Not to mention forming my entire family into what he would have us be.

This season-he is the Potter and I am the clay and sometimes I'm not so moldable, but I want to be.  So, after the Master breaks me some more and waters me down where I am pliable in his hands, he forms this piece of clay a little more into what he would have me be. I so want to see what he's forming, but for right now I have to focus on being pliable which is no easy task for me!

The Children followed us everywhere we went

I felt like someone needed to hear that this morning. No matter how far you have been-it's not too far! The Lord loves you and he desires to use you- just as much as when he first called you-but it takes you willing to be obedient in whatever he ask of you. I know how hard that is, but I am telling you that there is no greater joy when you are right in the middle of his will for your life! Don't let the enemy keep feeding you a lie that God won't use you anymore. Choose to believe the truth! Choose to trust Jesus!

Honduras 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Attributes and Promises of God

 These are all attributes of God or promises for us who are his. They are found in the Psalms. I think I am going to post a few of these each day.....

1.       Blessed are all who take refuge in him

2.       Shield
      Armored up!
3.       Bestows Glory on me

4.       Lifts up my head
      Somedays my head needs lifting alot!

5.       Answers me from his holy hill
      He hears me.

6.       Sustains me
7.       Delivers
8.       Deliverance
9.       Relief
10.   Merciful
      I'm so grateful for his mercy.

11.   Hears my prayer

12.   Hears when we call

13.   Light of your face shines upon us

14.   Fills heart with great joy
      He's the greatest joy I've ever known.

15.   Makes me dwell in safety
      So glad he keeps me safe!

16.   In the morning you hear my voice
      Help me to talk to you every morning Lord.


I love to go to these places! They are places that inspire and encourage me!

Every Home for Christ

Revival to the Nations

The Handmade Dress

YWAM Kona- University of the Nations

Pioneer Woman Cooks

Encouragement Anyone?

Do you wake up some mornings-discouraged right off the bat! I have been there, believe me! God is so faithful even when we are finding it difficult to come to him with our problems.

So, this morning I am here to let the Lord use me to encourage you and what better way to be encouraged than through scripture!  The Lord keeps speaking Isaiah 51 to me and I know it's to keep me looking to him!

"Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness and who seek the Lord;Look to the rock from which you were cut and to the quarry from which you were hewn; look to Abraham, you father, and to Sarah, who gave you birth. When I called him he was but one, and I blessed him and made him many. The Lord will surely comfort Zion and will look with compassion on all her ruins; he will make her deserts like Eden, her wastelands like the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the sound of singing." Isaiah 51:1-3

I am sharing that with you this morning, but I need it just as much as you! I need to be reminded that if I am pursuing righteousness and seeking the Lord that he will comfort me and he will take all my ruins and deserts and make them like Eden.

 Is there anyone with alot of junk that needs to be made into Eden besides just me?

 I need to be reminded that  the Lord is going to take all the dry times in my life and make them alive in him!

Praise the Lord he is faithful! If we just keep  focusing on Jesus and being obedient, he takes care of all the other stuff that surrounds us! Right?

So my friends know this, that no matter how rough your morning has been......
the phone call that made your heart break and put the covers up over your head......
 or the children who were whiny first thing because they didn't get there way.......
no matter what has happened the Lord- if we are living for him- makes it good!

He promises that in Romans 8:28. Let him speak to your heart this morning and show you all the ruins he is rebuilding in your life!

Do you believe he will?I know he will dear friend and he will encourage you like no one else can!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Okay this Blog is specifically about three things: Encouragement, Missions and Prayer and definitely not in that certain order. Until I figure a better way- Why don't we put the Prayer Request in the Comment part of the Prayer blog posts-If you don't mind everyone knowing the request you can put it under your name. Otherwise, just leave the request anonymously. I'm not quite sure just how I am going to organize this yet.  Please be patient.  I hope as you get to know me that you will know that I will truly pray for you and I'll ask a few other prayer warriors to do the same.  May the Lord bless you and keep you today and everyday!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18- Be Joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

What I want to be About!

I have to say that this isn't my first blogging rodeo, but I will say this is the first time of being completely who I am. I've read many post on blogging about what you love! I don't have to think too hard to know who it is I love-Jesus and I want this vapor of a life to be about Jesus;the Lord of my life! 

I love him more than ever! I would not have been able to say that 10 years ago when I was so far in the pit-I couldn't even see the light at the top, but I can now-Thank you Lord! Every day I serve him in Honduras or at home affirms that my life must be all about him! Do I struggle-Yes ma'am! Recently? The answer would still be yes! Am I perfect? No! But I want to live for him for the rest of my days! I want the old "woman" in me to be dead and I want to be fully alive in my sweet Savior!

Some days that refining fire is so hot and hurts so much that all I want to do is run! Then there are those days where I just get down with life-the days when the piles of laundry are touching the ceiling and I'm trying to figure out this blogging thing or homeschooling my three boys meanwhile my boys can't say not one nice thing to each other-unless you consider Meany and Scalawag nice. Can anyone relate?

Then there are those times like when the Lord let me serve in Honduras, it's times like that I know that living for the Lord Jesus is what I was created to do.  There is nothing that touches the heart more than a grown woman who lives in a foreign country tell you that she loves you and loves learning about the Lord or you get to tell a little brown-haired, dirty faced little girl about Jesus and you get to lead her to Jesus! It makes it worth it all, Doesn't it!

This time around blogging is going to be different, I am combining all the things I love into this blog-Encouraging people, Missions,praying and I'm sure you will hear about my friends and family! I love all these things and I love sharing my Lord with anyone who will listen. I want to encourage others to live for him and love on him with all their hearts and I want to share about others who I know do just that! I love you already and I know everyone needs encouragement especially us women! So be encouraged my friend-the Lord loves you and he is not through with you yet! May you be blessed and may you seek the Lord with all your heart and he will be found!

~May the Grace of Jesus shine upon you today~